How to Get a DBA Name in Minnesota

If you're planning to start a small business in Minnesota, getting a DBA name is significantly important. The acronym DBA stands for "doing business as," and it refers to an alternative identifier for your company other than your legal name. A DBA name in Minnesota is essential for various reasons, including banking, marketing, advertising, and filing taxes. In this guide, we'll guide you through the process of obtaining a DBA name in Minnesota.

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What is a DBA name?

A DBA name is a fictitious identity that you use instead of your official name when conducting business. It allows your business to be recognized by a different name when you want to get bank accounts, tax registrations, or business licenses. However, it's important to note that a DBA name does not create a separate legal entity. Instead, it allows a business owner to perform business activities under a different name.

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Why do you need a DBA name in Minnesota?

Minnesota laws require businesses to register their DBA if they operate under a name different from their official name. For instance, let's say your company's legal name is "Greatest Clothes LLC." If you decide to operate a second line of business called "Luxe Clothing," you'll need to register "Luxe Clothing" as your DBA name in Minnesota.

Besides state legal requirements, there're other reasons why you need a DBA name in Minnesota:

* Opening a bank account: Most financial institutions require businesses to have a business account before offering credit cards, business loans, or business credit lines. And to have a business account, you'll need to provide your DBA name registration documents.

* Market positioning: Having a DBA name can help your business stand out from the competition.

* Consumer loyalty: A simple and straightforward business name appeals to customers more effectively and builds a significant amount of loyalty compared to those companies using long legal names.

How to Obtain a DBA Name in Minnesota

The DBA name registration process in Minnesota requires you to adhere to the following steps:

Step 1: Choose Your Ideal DBA Name

Your DBA name is ultimately how your customers will know your business. Therefore, you'll need a name that is unique and memorable. The name should also not be similar to any other registered business name in Minnesota, which can lead to legal disputes later on. Fortunately, Minnesota provides a business entity search database that allows you to access all registered business names in the state, enabling you to come up with an ideal DBA name.

Step 2: Avoid using Restricted Words and Phrases

Words or phrases considered prohibited words in Minnesota are forbidden to be used in DBA names. Examples of such restricted words addressed in the various Minnesota codes, rules, regulations, or sections of the law include City, Incorporated, and even Bureau. Several other terms like national, state, and United States are also prohibited. If you're unsure if a particular phrase is restricted, consult the Minnesota State legal codes.

Step 3: File Your DBA Claim

After following the two steps above, the next stage is to file the DBA claim. You'll do this by going online to the Minnesota Secretary Office of State website. When you get to the website, you'll see four in-progress options – review DNS name availability online, new online Minnesota filing, review a page of business filings, and legislative bill tracking. Click on the "new online Minnesota filing." Once there, you'll have to create an account and follow the simple guidelines listed on the website.

Before proceeding with the application, it's important to verify whether the reputed domain is available or not. Doing this will help save both time and effort. After filling out the necessary application form, submitting your desired DBA name to the related state department register.

Step 4: Retieve Legal Documents

After your successful application, you should wait to collect a vital document called "Certificate of Assumed Name" certification. The legal certificate serves as proof that the name belongs to your business, and certification is valid only for ten years. As that date approaches, you'll have to renew the documents by submitting another application.


How long does it take to get a DBA name registered in Minnesota?

The online DBA application takes only a few minutes to complete. After your successful submission, it generally takes seven to ten business days to get your DBA name registered in Minnesota.

Can a business owner register more than one DBA in Minnesota?

Yes, it's possible. Minnesota permits businesses to register secondary DBA names in addition to their primary name.

How much fee will I have to pay to register a DBA Name?

The necessary fee for registering a DBA name in Minnesota stands at $50 annually.


Filing a DBA name registration in Minnesota is a simple process to improve your business's infrastructure privacy. However, similar to all business registration compliance processes, registering a DBA name in Minnesota comes with rules, regulations, and guidelines from the state government website. With this guide's detailed instructions, starting the DBA registration process is easy, allowing you to enjoy DBA-powered marketing and business management benefits. Good Luck!

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